Thursday, February 7, 2013

ADD Perhaps?

I got up early a few Saturdays ago and decided
to go outside and do a little yardwork.
Everything started off well,
then I got distracted.
We have a little tree growing out of our
 planter and it looks just pitiful,
so I thought to myself,
"Self, you have to get a picture of this pitifulness."
So I did.
See that line in the middle of the picture,
that's the tree.
After I took pictures of the tree,
the blue/purple berries caught my eye
and so I thought to myself,
"Self, take a couple pretty pictures."
So I did.
Then below the berries was some moss growing
on some rocks on our little waterfall.
I got distracted from the berries and thought,
"Ohhhh pretty.  I need to take a picture.

So I did.
Then I got bored and went inside to see what
Todd was busy doing.

That's Todd's head (sleeping) and Bailey sleeping on my pillow
(actually just my temporary pillow until my neck stopped aching).

Below Todd and Bailey...
Loki was sleeping, and apparently not happy
that I woke her up to take a picture.
The nerve of me!
After looking at my pictures, I decided that
I might have a touch of ADD because
I kept getting distracted by the weirdest stuff.
Do you every have days like that,
or am I just crazy
(That's a rhetorical question, don't answer that).

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