Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wake Up Call

I'm just getting home at 9 PM.  Today an acquaintance of mine informed me that they have no food in the house because they are broke.  They don't get paid for another ten days.  You might think to yourself, slacker, but this individual is one of the hardest working, most reliable people I know.  They have an incredible work ethic, practically never miss work in fact.  The spouse had a dangerous occupation, and was severely injured on the job years ago.  The spouse is now unable to work, so the individual I know is the only income in that family.  They don't receive any government assistance, I believe they are too proud.  My work acquaintance is truly what I would consider one of the "working poor".

The gals in my office pooled some money and were going to give a gift card, but were scolded.  It has to be from "us" specifically, not from the work.  They feel it shows favoritism, I disagree.  I spent some of this evening buying some food and getting a gift card, so we can anonymously send it to the person, this way nobody will know who or where it came from. 

I can't just sit back and watch people starve.  Not when my fridge is overflowing and I have the resources to help.  What would you do?  Have you ever known anyone in this situation?

You Think I'm Kidding

No...really...I do!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March Photo Challenge

So I find myself getting kind of antsy lately - spring fever perhaps?
Spring officially starts in March, and I can't wait!
I have had enough of this cold weather.
I need it to warm up so I can start complaining that it's too hot!
Seriously, I love spring...
the flowers, the weather, the clothes, spring break, you get the idea.
I'm finding myself wanting to do some projects, but it's
difficult to follow through with anything because I work 40 plus
hours a week, and I'm usually doing chores on the weekend.
The one thing I know I can follow through on, however, is a photography challenge.
I've done them in the past, so I'm going to do the March Photo Challenge
hosted by The Idea Room.
I probably wont do all of the prompts, as I've done some several times,
ie. what I wore.  Also, if I find the prompt too difficult, I might skip it.
I want this to be stress free and fun.
If you have nothing else to do, you should join me.
You wouldn't make me do this by myself, would you?
Come on - just do it.
You know you want to!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Birthday Party

Yes, it's was a week later and we were still celebrating Austin's birthday.
This time Austin had a birthday buddy, his Uncle Robb.

The birthday boys:  Austin and Robb.

The bithday treats:  Strawberry pie and Cherry chip cake.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Blowing out the candles.

Happy Austin.

Befuddled Robb.
(He was trying to figure out a riddle).

Celebrating at Dennis' house. 
Thanks Dennis!

The cook and baker, Anne.
Thanks Anne!

What an awesome celebration with great people.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Poke Cake Goodness

I tried a recipe that I found on Pinterest this weekend.
It was super easy to make and not bad tasting.
It was a Banana Poke cake.

You don't need that many ingredients...

Yellow cake (and the ingredients to make it)
Just follow the directions on the box for the actual cake.

Cook it in a 9 x 13 and let it cool for about 10 minutes.

Poke holes in the cake with whatever you have handy.

Make your instant pudding following directions on the box.
Let it stand for 1-2 minutes more,
then pour it on the cake making sure to push the pudding in the holes.
* note: 
 It didn't saturate into the cake as much as I would have like,
maybe using a turkey baster or something to
 funnel it into the holes would work better.

When you are done with the pudding it should look something like this.
Refridgerate for about an hour, 
or however long it takes to make the pudding set.

After refrigerating, spread whip cream from the tub on top.

This is what it looks like from the side. 

Take Nilla Wafters and put them in a baggie and crush.
Be sure to leave some bigger pieces for some texture.

Add crushed Nillas and banana slices on top.
I probably wouldn't add the nillas or bananas until you are ready to serve.
If you add the Nillas too early, they could get soft and mushy,
and if you serve the bananas too early, they could turn brown.

There are several variations that you can do using this same idea:

The options seem to be endless.

Overall opinion in this household...
2 1/2 thumbs up
(Lexx liked everything but the banana pudding- she doesn't like banana much).

It's definitely worth trying.

Have you ever made this?
What type have you made?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Party, Party, Party!

I might as well call it Austin week here on my blog.
First the shopping, then the bike, now the parties.
He really did get spoiled this year.
Sunday, my parents invited him over and he requested
that my mom make hamburgers and potato salad..

Papa, Austin and Nana

All the food that Austin requested
(sorry for the bad picture)

After dinner was cake and ice cream
(of course)
He got German chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream.

Lexx was apparently in to photo bombing every picture
that was taken this evening as you will be able to tell.

My parents found an old picture of
Austin throwing a temper tantrum in
his little Cozy Coupe.
They were so clever and had it put on a t-shirt.
My dad had a great idea...
put the heading,
"Not car problems again!"
(Austin just wrecked his car and had to replace the radiator,
so he is sick and tired of car problems)

He then opened the rest of his gifts and read all his cards.
(See, Lexxa photo bomb - again)

After Sunday's celebration, we celebrated here at home.
Well, sort of, I gave Austin the choice of what 
he wanted for dinner and cake.

He picked chicken and dumplings and
German chocolate brownies (no cake).

Chicken with the dumplings on my plate plus a little salad.

German chocolate brownies....

His celebrations aren't over yet.
I know - ridiculous right?

This weekend we are heading over to his other
grandparents house and Grandmother is making
spaghetti and pie (I think).

Man my kids are spoiled, and really, they're not kids anymore.
I think they get more spoiled the older they get,
or our family gets even more generous as the years go on.

So does your family celebrate birthdays 500 different times as well?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jeffrey Gaines - In Your Eyes

I really like this song.
The original was awesome,
and the remake isn't too bad either.
Do you remember what movie this is from?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Austin's Birthday Present

Austin got his bike on Sunday, and as soon as he was off work he took it for a ride.
Getting ready

Austin showing off his bike.

Sindy watching out for Austin.
She doesn't like it when she can't see him.

Riding up the hill no problem.

Checking out all the little bells and whistles.

Liking his new ride.

Todd had to try it out.

His comment,
"This is the only way to go. 
So much easier than my cheap little Target bike."
So the bike is a hit.  I was pretty sure it would be.  Aust has already taken it out twice in three days.
Wish I was that motivated!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Nice Little Surprise (for Austin)

Austin's birthday was this weekend, and while he was at work Todd and I decided to go pick up his birthday present.  He has been wanting a mountain bike for a couple of years, and we kind of ignored his request thinking that it was a fleeting phase.  Here it is two years later, and Austin is still talking about wanting a nice bike.  So Todd and I being the pushovers that we are pulled the trigger and got him one for his birthday.

When possible, we like to shop local and support our local community.  Sometimes it isn't as friendly to the pocketbook, but after some research, we found that we could actually get a better bike from our local bike shop cheaper than from REI.  We purchased a Specialized bike (that's the brand) from Victory Velo.  The employees were so friendly and helpful, and suggested we start on the beginner side of the spectrum, and then if Austin decides he wants to really get in to mountain biking, he can then trade up a couple years down the road.

The cute little store in Auburn.

Have to love a store that has a bike sculpture in front of it!

The bike store.

Todd taking Austin's birthday present out to the car...
and also admiring the bike.

It is pretty sleek.
It is black on black with white accents.


Look at all those gears.
I'm not a mechanical type of girl, but I know 
that that is way more impressive than my
little $70 Target bike.

I can't wait to see how Austin likes the bike...I know he will, but I'm more interested to see if he will use it as much as he says he will.

Hopefully I'll have pictures of Austin to follow.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I've Got That Lovin' Feeling

Just like most of you, I had to
work on Valentine's Day.
It was a busy, busy day, and I
ended up out at a site from 2-6 PM.

About 5:30 PM, one of the gals
that I work with in the office came walking up
with something in her hands.
Todd had flowers & goodies delivered
to my work, but I wasn't there, 
so she was kind enough to bring them to me.

All the goodies -
flowers, teddy bear, chocolate, bath accessories.

Pretty Valentines bouquet

Very YUMMY chocolates.

After work, I met Todd at our local
stomping ground, Chili's.
It was pretty busy, so we decided to
sit in the bar area, which we had 
never done before.
The service was great and the food fantastic.

After dinner we headed home because
we were both exhausted from working
all day, and on our kitchen table were
cards and some sweets.
My parents had delivered the family
some goodies - super thoughtful!

Todd and I immediately headed
 back to our room 
(get your mind out of the gutter-
it's not what you think!) 
  Lexx had rented Hope Springs, 
so we watched that with
Lexx and then promptly fell asleep.

It was such a nice day...but my favorite
part was spending time with people I love!
In other news, I got a great surprise today.
Todd took today off and we spent
the day together - can you say

So did you have a nice Valentine's Day?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
I'm busy spending time with my man
(and the kids).
I've had an awesome day,
I'll give you the deets tomorrow.
Hope you had a day filled with love!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines Day Goodies

Needing some goodies to make for your significant other?
Here are some ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

So did you see anything that tickled your fancy?
I might have to try the strawberry treat...
I'm drooling on my keyboard right now!