Monday, December 3, 2012

We Are Havin' a Rockin Start to the Holidays


Todd took us to see TSO
on Wednesday.

Can I just say...
It was

Play this while looking at the pictures.
It will give you an idea of what the concert was like.

There was smoke

& fire (pyrotechnics)


dancers on elevated platforms,

musicians on booms,

laser shows,

lots & lots of laser shows,

and some real rockin' going on.

They had two,

make that four, very happy customers.

It was an amazing show and had a little bit of something for everyone.
There were people, young and old there.
I will caution you if you are considering going to one of their shows,
it is very "rock" in some parts and did get loud.
That being said, they had a little something for everyone.
There was a little jazz, orchestra, rock, blues, & what I would consider country.
I highly recommend -
In case you couldn't tell by the smile on my face.

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