Monday, December 10, 2012

Checking Things Off My List

Todd and I didn't do anything particularly exciting this weekend.
I am fighting a cold or something
(what is it with me and being sick this year?),
so we decided to stay close to home.

I did get some things checked off my to do list.
The number one thing accomplished -
Christmas cards and letters out!
For whatever reason, I haven't been
able to accomplish this task for
about the past four or five years.
I get them, write in them, address them,
and there they sit on my dresser for the next year.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!

This year I sat myself down, put on Twilight
(did I just admit that publicly?), and got to work.

I mailed them out Sunday -
I guess technically I put them in the mailbox on Sunday.
They don't actually get delivered until Monday.
As soon as I feel like everyone has received a card,
I will do a reveal on my blog.

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