Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Day Morning

I wont bore you with the details,
but Christmas morning was wonderful.
Very laid back.
We didn't even open presents until around 11AM.
Thor posing with Lexx.

Austin mugging it.

Me, pre-makeup...don't Judge!

Thor keeping an eye out.
Making sure nobody was going to take our presents.


Todd opening his gift from us.

It's a Kreg jig. 
It's kind of self serving gift, because now
 he can make furniture for me.

Austin showing off all his gifts from Santa
and the parents.

Lexx showing off her booty!
I hope you had a nice relaxing Christmas Day.
PS - Have a great New Years Eve. 
 I will be spending it in bed and asleep by 9:00 PM
as I have some sort of flu bug!
Kids gave it to me.
I hope your New Year starts off better than mine.

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