Thursday, December 13, 2012

Holiday Traditions

My family is nothing if not traditional.
Todd and Lexx especially like to make family traditions
and stick with them year-after-year
(Austin and I are more go with the flow type people).

One of our ongoing traditions is spending the morning
at a tree farm and cutting down our Christmas tree.
We do it every year, no questions asked.

Picture from last year.
Go here to see last years post.

This year presents a problem.
Austin and Alexxa are both working
Saturday & Sunday until 5 PM.
What does that mean?
They won't be able to cut down a tree with us this year.

Todd and I are vacillating on whether to still
go to the tree farm and cut the tree ourselves,
OR go to some place like Home Depot,
grab a tree and call it a day.

We argue that although we wouldn't have the
kids, the puppies still love to go tree shopping
with us and they look forward to it every year,
it does keep with tradition, and when all is said and
done you have a nice fresh Christmas tree.
Yummy pine scent...mmmmm!
Then we postulate, it is quite a drive,
it is more expensive, and do the dogs truly care?

We haven't made a final decision.
We will decide on Saturday if we are going to
make the trip or not.

So what do you think?
Would you stick with tradition or
would you save time and money and make
a quick stop at super store?
(Sorry fake tree people...
this is not an option.  
Todd refuses to have a plastic tree).

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