Friday, December 28, 2012

Long Friday Drive to Work

I had the most beautiful drive into work today.
As I crested the hill near my house, this view caught my eye.
I leave my house around 7:30 AM,
so it's shortly after sunrise.

I also happened to be driving on the main highway I take to work,
and had to drive through a fog bank.
When I cleared the fog bank, the sun was shining
and made everything look golden.
It was hard to capture on film.
I only had about 13.5 seconds to get out of my car,
take a picture, and continue on to work.
You can tell what I'm talking about a little bit
in this picture, but it doesn't come close to
looking as beautiful as the real thing.
It was almost ethereal.

Hopefully I'll be able to take some awesome pictures this
long weekend (weather permitting).

I hope you have a great weekend.
See you back here Monday.

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