Saturday, January 28, 2012

Valentines Day Cards

Valentines Day is quickly approaching at t-minus 17 days (or something like that). Are you tired of buying the same old boxed cards for your kids to give away. Here are some clever ideas to get you started on how to make creative homemade Valentines Day cards.

via Pinterest (no home site was noted)
I thought these were cute, but I would have the kid pretend like he was holding a guitar and feed the sucker through so the sucker looked like a guitar.  You could say "Have a rockin' Valentines Day" or "You rock" or maybe "You rock my world" (that's probably inappropriate for elementary school Valentine's day cards)

How easy are these!  You can buy a couple packs of glow sticks at the Dollar Store and call it a day.

I thought these were little cuties.  It requires a little bit of work, but how awesome are the little felt hearts?

This Valentines day gift looks like a little bit of work, but I love it.

While I super duper love creative gifts and cards, this would probably be the route that I chose for my kids (if they were still in school).  Buy a boat load of mini cereal, a package of spoons, a little bit of ribbon, then print out, "I CEREALously like/love you" on a tag. Done!  They did add the kids names on the spoons, but I would skip that because I'm too impatient to mess with little beads like that.  If you have the patience for that, I say go for it and more power to you.

I thought this Valentines day card was cool.  It is probably more appropriate for younger children, but the colors are really cool.  If you do decide to make this card, be sure to read the entire post.  Apparently there is duct tape, q-tips and a time limit involved.

I saved the best for last.  This is the Valentines that I would want to receive.  I got a thing for superheroes.  As you know from a previous post, I used to run around in Wonder Woman underoos, but even before that I would jump off furniture and run down the hallway pretending that I was Ultraman (anybody remember that show?).

So there you have it.  A few ideas to keep you busy over the weekend.  If you come up with a cool idea for Valentines day, please share.  I'd love to see pictures.

By the way, I have an idea for my husbands Valentines day.  It's more adult (get your mind out of the gutter), and I will share a little later.

Happy weekend!

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