Thursday, January 19, 2012

And Then There Was Light, Or Not

You know I'm trying to organie the house (a slow process), so I was thinking about putting lights above our bed.  I wanted to get as much stuff off the floor as possible.  Only problem is I'm having a heck of a time finding lights that I like and that are affordable.  I need your help. 
I included pictures of lights that I liked below.

I thought this one was pretty, but it may be a little too big, and definitely too expensive.

I thought this one might be good because it would match different kinds of decor.  This is probably the one that I would pick out of all of them, but alas, too expensive.
I thought the same of this one, but I think I like the one above a little more.  Again, too expensive.
This one is pretty awesome, but I thought that if I forgot to swing the arm back after I was done reading at night, I might end up poking my eye out (kind of looks like a weapon).   Also, too expensive.

I really didn't want to spend more than $30, but all the lights above are $80 plus.  If you have any stores that I can get a good deal at, or any idea of how I can find these cheaper, I'm open to suggestions.

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