Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Most Terrible, Horrible, Worst News Ever (Almost)

You know how my new year started off with a bang (my car broke down) well the news gets even better....$8.000.00 better.  My engine is toast!  It is so toast that they can't rebuild it, I have to buy a new one.  No warning lights, my car didn't throw a code...just $8,000.00 worth of engine damage!  That's more than my car is even worth.  Keep in mind that this amount is just the engine, to truly fix it up to par I'm looking at about $12,000.  I can't believe it...I'm sure off to a crappy new year.

Oh, and btw, in the bad news arena, I also have poison oak.  Todd gave it to me with his poison oak ridden clothes. GRRRRRRR!  Can I go back to 2011, pretty please?


Amy said...

Oh Brenda, that sucks!! :( Sorry to hear 2012 is not treating you well so far. Hope it gets better soon!!!

Brenda said...

Thanks for the positive thoughts Amy. I appreciate it.

Jeni Harvey said...

Me too!! But I guess on the bright side you are going to be getting an economical car!