Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fugg Love

I have to admit, I have another love besides my husband.  I love Uggs, but they are so unreasonably priced. They are so wonderful with their fleece insides and their leathery outsides.  It's like wearing a slipper, but in public, and nobody cares because they are disguised as boots.

I've been lusting after a pair, but the cheapskate in me just will not allow me to spend that kind of money.  So what's a girl to do?  Buy fake Uggs (Fuggs).  Todd hates them and thinks they are, well, fugly, so I know that he really must love me because he bought be some Fuggs for Christmas.  I'm in heaven.  Now I can prance around everywhere in my awesomely comfortable fugly Fuggs and not worry about ruining a $150+ pair of boots.  Does life get any better than that?

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