Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To Give Or Not To Give, That Is The Question

Found on Google images

I was driving to work this morning, and was listening to my usual local rock station (Ya, I'm a rocker chic).  The dj's were talking about whether you should buy your girlfriend/wife a Valentine's Day gift.  It was a long conversation, but the gist of it was even if a woman tells you she doesn't want a gift, she really does. 

I am one of those woman who tells the hubby I don't need a gift.  I prefer to spend time with the hubs and do something as a couple, like go to a movie or dinner.  However, several of the women that I know expect to receive something on lovers day.  The question I immediately thought about was when did Valentine's Day become a day just for women?  Isn't it a day that is set aside to celebrate your love for another (or several others, as the case may be), man or woman. 

Why should you have to shower someone with gifts to show them that you love them?  What if the individual giving the gift cannot afford to buy chocolates and flowers or take the other person out to a nice dinner.  A perfect example would be my son.  He is a student who currently works about 20 hours per week.  All of his money right now is going to school, gas and other necessities necessary to survive.  Should he be expected to go in to debt in order to "prove his love"?

To me, if a person expects a gift, they are probably not somebody I would chose to have a relationship with.  That screams "MATERIALISTIC" to me.  When I think about materialism, I immediately have a picture of a Beverly Hills woman who has had too much plastic surgery pop into my head.

So ladies and gentleman, in my humble opinion, you should celebrate your love for one another throughout the year and just take Valentine's Day to make sure they know you appreciate them and love them.

So what do you think, gift or no gift?  Don't let me sway you...I'm just really opinionated.

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