Monday, February 6, 2012

Out For A Sunday Drive

Todd and I were out and about on Sunday morning and decided to drop by his dad's house. 
Ya, we're rude like that. 
Dennis has been working on a pond for a couple months and so we wanted to see the progress.

Todd and Dennis inspecting the drain.  The pond is about 6 ft. deep
 (you can tell because Dennis is standing up).

View of the platform and the steps out to the middle.  Ah-MAY-zing!

View of the pond from the deck.

Dennis and Todd relaxing.

Lynn showed up too.

It is pretty amazing.  He designed and built the entire thing. 
The only thing that he didn't do was gunite the pond.

While the guys were doing shop talk about the pond I was having fun taking pictures. 
Do you see what I see? about now?

 Is this better?  It was a cute little hummingbird.  She was so cute!

Also saw a buck and his friend.

It was a great visit with beautiful weather. 
I can't wait to see the pond when Dennis is finished. 
Take my word when I tell you it is going to be amazing!. 

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