Sunday, February 12, 2012

Organizing The Closet

Because I have done so poorly on my Things To Accomplish in 2012 list, I figured I better get on the ball a little bit.  I have tackled a couple of drawers and organized them (I would show you pictures, but showing you my unders is just weird.  Nobody wants to see that). 

I figured I better move on to bigger and better things, so I started researching organizational tools and I found a couple cool little things. 

All my organizational tools minus a grey and black tub. 
I think I may have a color combo going on, and not even on purpose. 
What a happy coincidence.

The first thing I found was a gift wrap organizational thingy-ma-bober. I forgot to take pictures, but my closet is storing clothes, shoes, gift wrap stuff, work related junk and my little suitcase along with all Todd's stuff on the opposite side.
The closet is tiny, just like our house, so there isn't a ton of room for junk.

Messy, messy, messy.

I'm amazed I can find anything in there.

 I gathered up all the wrapping garbage and put it in to the hanging organizer.  I also found an over the door something holder in Target's $2 bin.  I didn't want the holder to go over my door because I'm putting something else there, so I had Todd remove the hook part and then I drilled some holes in the wall and hung it from some screws. 

Target's $2 deal.  SCORE!
I may or may not like the color purple.

Lastly, I picked up all the shoes and just reorganized my clothes so they weren't piled everywhere.

Shoes in their rightful place.

Gift wrap organizer.  It's two sided, so the other side holds the paper, bows and ribbon.

I refolded my clothes.  Yay me.

It's looking much better.  It definitely isn't my dream closet, but then again it is only temporary.  If you remember, we have plans to redo our bathroom/closet, but can't agree how to remodel it yet...
yep, we are still working on it.

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