Friday, February 3, 2012

New Years Resolution Update

We're on our second month in to this year, so I figured now would be an appropriate time to see how I'm doing on my resolutions.  Remember...DON'T JUDGE!  If you do, I won't share with you next year.

1.   Finish painting hallway and ceiling in kitchen and living room - No (oops)
2.   Put blinds on livingroom windows - No (oh geez)
3.   Save up and pay cash for livingroom furniture - YEP -finally (I've started, but I will take most the year to do this).
4.   Build an entertainment center with Todd - No (but we have been brainstorming on what to do-does that count?)
5.   Paint and reorganize Todd and Brenda's bedroom - No, but I have big ideas planned.
6.   Pull up carpet in bedroom - No (this one ties in with the one above).
7.   Organize cupboards and closets - Kind of - I've started but haven't finished.
8.   Draft up plans for remodeling the bathroom - No because Todd and I keep arguing about what would look best.
9.   Read a book a month -YES!  I read The Hunger Games.  Now I can go see the movie when it comes out.
10. Get healthy - Kind of..not really...I'm trying.  I'm cutting proportions and stealing Todd's Nutrisystem food.  Does that count?  Psst, I'm also eating chocolate covered fiber bars (wink).
11. Eat more veggies - Nope.  Fail.  I can't help it, I pretty much hate them.  I ate some salads, green beans, squash and that's probably it for the month.  I know-stop nagging.
12. Go for at least one walk a week.  Define walk.  I would probably have to say No.  Darn it, I'm sucking at this resolution thing.
13. Play on computer less and go outside more.  Kind of.  I've cut back the amount of time on the computer, but I haven't really gone outside.
14. Take some type of class.  No, but I am working on this one.  The class is in March.
15. Take photographs good enough to frame.  No because I haven't gone outside.
16. Plan at least one itinerary for vacation. YES!  I even posted it for you to see.
17. Buy a more professional wardrobe.  No, but in my defense, I haven't bought any wildly inappropriate clothing either.  I just haven't been shopping.
18. Do some sort of car maintenance at least once a month.  I think we all know how this one goes.  Does buying a new car count?
19. Tell someone you love them every day. YES!
20. Be thankful for something at least once a day. Yes!  I rock at this one.  I give thanks several times throughout the day.

Let's break it down:  5/20 yes = 25 % = FAIL.  However, we are only in February so I have many months to improve this percentage.  It's interesting to see that the things that I have accomplished are pretty much inside activities.  I really need to work on the going outside and doing stuff.  I think this will help me in other areas.

So how are you guys doing on your resolutions?

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