Thursday, May 23, 2013


We had another busy weekend,
but Todd managed to get some of our project done on Sunday.

Todd used the backhoe to remove some big rocks,
and level off the area just a tiny bit,
but he did the rest by hand.
There was already a natural slope to that area,
so all Todd did was make it so that the rocks would stack nicely.

This is about 12-14 hours worth of work.
We were originally going to use blocks and front them with 
fancy prefab rocks (I guess that's what you call them),
but when Todd got to working around in the area,
he informed me that there was no way he was going to 
pay money for that when we had perfectly good rocks 
on our property that we could use.

Good decision Todd.
It's going to look amazing when he finishes.
I'm really excited.


Anonymous said...

It really looks great! I love the use of natural rocks and it fits right in with the other walls that were done up by the koi pond...

I love it.

Brenda said...

Why thank you! I'd love to take all the credit, but I'm only half the brains behind the project. Todd is the other half of the brains and all the muscle.