Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Third Times a Charm

So Todd and I haven't been to successful with the
whole gardening thing.
We were talking about giving it one more try before
 throwing in the towel.
We know that we have to do a couple things better to be successful
at this entire gardening thing.
1.  Have garden in eyesight.
We're pretty much out of sight, out of mind people.
2.  Automatic watering.
3.  Control the whole critter thing.
Deer, moles and bugs had a field day eating last years garden.
We started talking to Todd's parent about our plans,
and Todd's mom mentioned that she was thinking about
purchasing grow boxes.
She had done some research and thought that the
 Grow Box was a possible option.
It was decided that we would go in together and
get a few boxes to try our hand, and so the order was placed.
Fast forward to a couple weeks later, and look what arrived.
Todd got busy assembling the boxes,
and I have to tell you it couldn't be easier.
First, you have to pop the little rectangles so they fold down.

Here is what the bottom looks like.

You then place the top portion on top of the bottom portion.

Next, move your planter to where a nice sunny place
that is within view.

Here's what our set up looked like before we put
soil and plants in the box.

I placed the veggies I wanted to go in each box right in
 front of the planter that it was going in.

Grow Box provides a planting guide as to
 almost make it fool proof.
Tomorrow, I'll show pics of how the little garden
actually turned out.
I just didn't want to picture overload you.

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