Tuesday, May 28, 2013

They Call Me Black Finger

On Saturday, I was bragging to my son and husband
how I had managed to grow a little plant that I had 
broken off a piece of from another plant 
and plugged it in a hanging basket.
As I lifted it up to show them, the basket went crashing to the ground.

They thought this was hilarious.
It made me want to cry.

A not happy Brenda!

It was actually one plant that I haven't killed.
I really do have a black thumb.
I planted one plant in our grow boxes -

This is it, the only one that didn't survive.

These are Todd's vegetables.

Yep, he planted all of them.
I could get discouraged and just give up,
but I'm too stubborn.
So what did I do?
Went out and bought succulents
and planted them in the hanging basket
(that is now not a hanging basket - it is just sitting in a planter).

Aren't they pretty!
Then I went and bought a replacement plant for the tomato.
I planted a watermelon in the tomato's place.
I also planted basil, dill and cilantro next to it.

And there you go.
We'll wait and see how well these new plants do.

1 comment:

Todd said...

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.