Monday, May 20, 2013

Long Beach - Day 3 at The Aquarium

Day 3 was much more eventful than the second day.
Todd got out of his conference at 3 PM,
so we had the rest of the day to play.

Our first stop was the aquarium.
It was about 3 blocks from our hotel, so we walked over.

Mugging it in front of the aquarium.

A shot of the outside.

Once inside, it was a little overwhelming.
There were so many exhibits/displays/fish.
I didn't get the names of all of them,
so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Look - Dori and Nemo!

This diver was playing peek-a-boo with a random toddler.
It was adorable!

I got a picture of the underside of this Ray.
Doesn't it look like a face...
a weird face, but a face nonetheless.

This is a leafy seadragon (I think).
It was probably one of my favorite things in the aquarium.

Look at the little fat fish on top of the other fat fish.

So colorful and beautiful.

Some jellyfish,

and more jellyfish,

and even more jellyfish.

I made a friend while visiting the aquarium.

You were allowed to pet some of the things in this tank.

But you weren't allowed to pet these guys!

This guy was friendly, but he was a little larger than he appears.

There he is besides Todd.
He is little, only 20 years old.
The curator said he will get about three times bigger.

Todd and I had so much fun.
I had been trying to get to an aquarium since last summer,
and this was the first chance I got.
It didn't disappoint!


Alddeus said...

Looks like Fun!

Brenda said...

It was amazing! Bet you wish you were there!