Monday, September 24, 2012


The kids had Saturday off, so I decided that this would
be a good opportunity to take an unplanned family portrait.

Well....I should know better.
What a disaster.
I didn't get one good picture because I was running back and forth
between pushing the camera's button and taking a picture.

I did, however, get some pretty funny outtakes.
Take a look.

Todd said he was doing his serious stare out in to the abyss look.
Think he nailed it.

Not sure what's going on here, but apparently I like it.

Not sure what's going on here either, but apparently Todd likes it.

Ummm, no comment.
I just couldn't tell you what was going on here.

Oddly enough, you will notice that none of the outtakes include the kids, just us parents.
Take a guess at who the mischievous ones are in this family.


Anonymous said...

I certainly know who the mischievous ones are :-) My grandchildren are "perfect" in every way!! AA

Brenda said...

;) Hey, we aren't all mischievous all the time. The kiddos can be on occassion.

Anonymous said...

I like these ones...

Brenda said...

Why thank you Anonymous.
We always have a good time when we try to take family pictures. Not sure what it is, but it bring out the mischievous side of us.