Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Some Cute Little Visitors

On the way home the other day, 
Todd and I spied some cute little visitors.
We had seen them before, but they were never as brave as this particular day.
They usually see us and take off running, but for whatever reason,
 this day they decided they were going to stand there and have a stare down with us.
I managed to fumble around, get the camera, turn it on, and just when I was going to take a pic,
 momma and the twins took off - figures!
I only got a picture of one of the fawns, but trust me, there were two there.

Momma and baby #1 ears

Oh look, there they are.

I would think that they were super cute if they hadn't
nibbled on our garden and eaten some of our veggies, but I can't blame them.
If I saw some food just begging to be eaten, I don't know that I could resist.

It is enjoyable to watch the little ones grow up.
Ahhh, one of the perks of living in the country.

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