Saturday, July 24, 2010


The other night I had a nightmare. I dreamt I woke up in the middle of the night, went to raid the fridge, and there was this...


What could motivate you more than a fridge monster? So, that evening I changed out of my work clothes, sat on my bed, and had an argument with myself. It went a little like this:

Motivated me: Get your tennies on and let's get going.

Lazy me: I don't want to!

Motivated me: Sure you do!

Lazy me: No, I really don't.

Motivated me: Come on, how hard is it to get up and walk out the door.

Lazy me: Very. Bed feels soooo good. I love bed.

Motivated me: It's just one of those thing that you HAVE to do and may not like. Put it in the category of, no one likes to go to work, no one likes to do dishes, no one likes to clean toilets, but these are things that have to be done.

Lazy me: Fine! I'll go but I'm not going to like it. If I injure myself I am going to blame it all on you and not exercise again for another 10 years.

So off I went (along with Alexxa and Todd - Austin was at work). We decided to go to Northside and while Todd and Alexxa did soccer workouts, I walked the track. Not too far, maybe a mile or so, but I wasn't sitting at home doing nothing. Don't believe me, here is proof.

See, I was really walking.

The track.

The moon starting to rise.

In other news, the debate is still on as to whether Northside School aerated their field, or was attacked by a swarm of geese. You decide.

Quite a few feathers.

Does dirt usually turn white?

What I'm thankful for today:
Ice packs and motrin
Warm showers

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