Friday, July 30, 2010


So I was doing my happy dance, like I do every Friday. I rounded the corner daydreaming about what I was going to do this weekend, opened my car door, and all of a sudden a really sharp pain went shooting through my upper arm, you know, right below the pit. IT.HURT.BAD! I.screamed.LOUD! I reached over with my right hand to try and figure out what was going on, and when I lifted up my shirt sleeve a bee came flying out. It was black, it was big, and I could of sworn it had two fangs and a little cape on, well maybe not the cape. I swatted that bee so hard I think I knocked its head through its stinger. Serves him right. That's what he gets for trying to mess with my weekend - PUNK!

Note the fangs.

I wasn't lying, I told you I thought it was a vampire, and here's your proof.

Has anyone/anything tried to ruin your weekend before it even got started?

Things I'm thankful for today:
An awesome backhand - that's right - I've got mad skills.

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