Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Marshmallow Me

As you know, the fam and I spent part of our summer vacation in Oregon at my parent's house. While there we took family portraits (not professional - obviously). After we returned home and I was browsing through the pictures, I noticed a resemblance. See what you think.

Awesome - I even smile like him!

After seeing the pics I thought maybe it's time for a diet. I started one lasted until noon. I'm so depressed, I think I'll go get a cookie :P

Things I'm thankful for today:
Stretch denim
A husband who loves me just the way I am


Amy said...

How come all those rolls are so darn adorable on babies but not on us? So not fair!!!

Brenda said...

I know, it's so not fair. How come they can have budha bellies and legs with rolls on them and everyone thinks it's cute. When it's on me, they all tell me it's time to drop weight. I say BOO to that. I think it's kinda cute.