Thursday, July 1, 2010

On A Different Note...

We received a phone call on Monday from Austin. He was in Cool and his car broke down near the quarry. He said he was driving, and then all of a sudden he couldn't turn, brake or accelerate. Todd and I took this opportunity to stop by American River Pizza and get some dinner, and then headed off to see what was wrong with his car. Todd popped the hood, looked at the engine...everything looked fine. He jumped behind the wheel and started the car right up. We think that his car overheated and then stalled making it difficult to drive. Who knows. Everything seems fine for the time, thank goodness.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Vehicles that work
Weather under 90 degrees
A good laugh


Anonymous said...

[Sarcastic voice] Ha ha ha, I never even thought about trying to restart the car. It was hot, and all I wanted to do was go into Auburn without something falling apart. I guess that's what happens when you pay only $2500 for an over 17 year old vehicle. At least I got home safely, and got a good little hike in that day.

Brenda said...

Hey, $2500 is a good deal if it only breaks down 2 times in 2 or 3 years. The not so good deal is the $1200 or so it took to fix it when it did break down.

I'm glad you got home in one piece...kiss, kiss, kiss