Monday, January 7, 2013

So Thoughtful

As promised, I am doing a short post on
the sweet gift Todd bought me while
we were in Tahoe.

While at the Heavenly Shopping area,
Todd found a store that had several wonderful items.
While I was busy looking around,
Todd found something that he wanted to get
me and had the saleslady hide it behind the
counter until I left.

I continued on to the next store with Lexx,
and Austin stayed with Todd and played interference.

All was well with the plan until we got back to the car
and there was now place to hide the new purchase.
It ended up in my lap for a short time, 
but Todd still wouldn't let me open it!

The final reveal was at home, where I finally got permission
to see my new (and might I say) awesome gift!

The picnic basket -
but wait, there's more...

Look at all this wonderful goodness! 
A cooler, blanket, napkins, plates, silverware, glasses, 
salt and pepper shakers and a wine bottle opener.

Look at the cute little salt and pepper shakers.
They are about an inch tall.

Some plaid goodness going on here.

On either side you have your wine glass and eating utensils.

Isn't this fabulous!
I can't wait for the weather to clear up so we can put this cutie to use.
In fact, neither could one of the salesladies.
True story:
The lady who checked Todd out, was really checking Todd out.
While he was paying for my basket ( his wife's basket),
the lady asked if he was married.  When he said, "Yes!"
The saleslady replied, "Hmmm, too bad, you have really good taste."
Back off girlfriend!
This one is taken -
Although, you can't blame a girl for trying.  He is absolutely wonderful.

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