Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cool Little Doodad

I came home the other day to find these
cool little doodads waiting for me.
Todd bought them for me for Christmas,
but the order got here late...
so I got to enjoy an extended Christmas.
Yeah me.

This is a remote control to my camera.

each year Todd's family takes a family portrait.
I bring my camera, set it on the timer and run back
to the group so that everyone there is included.
This year I happened to be in the back row.
That meant that I had to push the button 
and run from the living room to the dining room
via the kitchen.
Suffice to say, I'm not in great shape
and the latter pictures were NOT GOOD of me.
When I opened this, I was thinking to myself,
where were you a week and a half ago!

Anyhoo -
It comes with a remote (duh!), and little thingy mathingy -
and yes that is the technical name for it.

The remote is tiny - awwww isn't just a little cutie.
The thingy mathingy is shorter and fatter and
sits on top of the camera,
thus the reason I don't have a picture of it.

I'm so proud because I actually got it to work all by myself...
no help from Todd.
I even took a picture of me which you don't get to see
because it was
But trust me, it works.

Although, even after reading the instructions, I'm not
quite sure what all the little things are on the remote.
I just figured out that if you slide the little lever 
all the way to the right,
it works.
Good nuff!

The next thing I got was a camera wrist strap.
I absolutely love the color and have actually been
lusting over a camera strap for about a year now, 
but just never pulled the trigger because there were 
too many options and I loved them all.
Todd picked out a favorite, so now I don't have to decide.

It's a pretty brown, aquaish and orangeish color. 

Oooohhh pretty.
The inside is so nice and soft.
I love it.
Todd was mad though.
He thought he bought me a neck strap,
and when it came in it was a wrist strap.
I say, I don't care....I love whatever you get me
(mostly - unless it is a tool or a car book or something 
really boring like that).

I love both of my little surprises and can't wait to get
some real use out of them.

So did you have any surprise Christmas presents come your way?


Amy said...

Lucky you!! :) Can't live without a remote and love the strap too. Very cute!

Brenda said...

I think he got the remote more to save my life, so I don't die of a heart attack running back and forth. He can be very thoughtful...I'll admit, I am a lucky girl!

You are too! You have had a remote for a little bit now.

BTW - what a beautiful little niece you have! Congrats. :)