Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Physical Labor

Because the previous day was so fun,
we decided to come back for more,
only this time we had Austin & Lexx.

Austin & Lexx headed to load up a bunch of old lumber.

 Look at my little pumpkins hard at work.

Work site necessities:  coffee and safety shovel -
in that order.

Sindy helping me supervise the workers.

After Austin & Lexx were done loading up the lumber,
they cut some of the scraggly branches on the scrub oaks.

Me supervising - without makeup - or brushing my hair.

Pretty fire.
You know I have to throw a random picture in my blogs 
for absolutely no reason.

We had another little visitor on day 2 -
a cute little tree frog.

Todd getting the job done.

What's wrong with this picture?

A happy Todd with his little Fisher Price chainsaw. - tee hee hee.
He got as far as he could with this chainsaw, 
and now he is going to have to break out the big boy.

I forgot to get a picture of what we had completed,
so I got up early this morning and took a couple
not so good pictures from the window.

You can see what is left of the big pine tree.
If you look to the right of the front of the quad,
that is what we need the big boy chainsaw for.

Look at all that progress.
No more messy pine tree on the ground.
We do have some firewood out there
that we need to load up and bring to our shed.

A project for next weekend perhaps?

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