Monday, June 24, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mine's growing pretty well, thanks.
I think that our problems was that it was
out of sight, out of mind.
I actually check on this garden twice a day.
It's amazing to see how much the plants
grow in just a couple of days.
Take a look.
Yellow squash.


Yellow tomatoes


Green beans

Cherry tomatoes

This is one of our gigantic tomato plants.

Todd checking out the bounty.

I believe this is a squash plant attacking our tomato plant.

Some green beans that we missed.
They were hidden towards the back.
I don't think the huge ones are edible,
but they sure do look impressive.
I can't wait until the garden really starts producing.
I'm guessing it will be another couple weeks.
Are you having success with your garden?


Anonymous said...

I am amazed!! That is one beautiful bunch of veggies--and raspberries. Does the deer not come that close to the house, or is it waiting for just the right juicy red tomato? I cannot believe the height of that one plant. Keep up the good work. I have had 1 squash and several cherry tomatoes with many more to come. Farmer Dennis had missed many cherry tomatoes on his plants, but I found them--yum!! AA

Brenda said...

It is a beautiful sight, isn't it! The deer have been sniffing around, but our ferocious guard dog, Sindy, keeps them in check (hahaha).

The tomato plants are monsters, but the squash is almost as big. I'll have to come over and check out your garden. I don't eat the tomatoes, but I like to watch them grow. What Todd and Lexx don't eat, we'll have to share with you.