Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yard Update

Very little progress has been made since 
I last updated you about the yard.
We've either been sick or busy 
(or sick of being busy), 
for the past couple weeks.

We had a couple casualties.
If you remember, Todd had planted some
carpet roses and lilies for the border of the wall.
See here.

Fast forward a couple weeks and this is what
 the roses look like now.

If you look close, you can see where the deer
nibbled all the flowers off the plant.

This is what is looks like from an aerial view.

On a higher note,
Todd bought some little pea gravel and covered 
the little area he had cleared out.

Ohhhh!  So clean and pretty.

This is where we are going to put pavers/bricks/something.
After we complete this area,
Todd has plans to build some furniture
that will have a home in this part of our yard.
I can't wait.

Sindy photo bomb.
Won't it look fabulous once it all comes together?

So what projects are you currently working on?

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