Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Padre Day

Father's Day originally looked like it was going to be a bust.
My dad had hip surgery, so he was at home recuperating.
Todd's dad wanted to stay home and relax.
Todd's middle brother was camping with his family,
We thought that his youngest brother was camping as well
(Come to find out they weren't camping until this upcoming weekend).
AND Todd's uncle was doing something with his family.
So Todd and I decided, heck with it, we're going out of town.

Saturday evening rolls around, and we get a phone call 
from Todd's mom saying that we are all meeting for dinner -
Ends up that we did go out to dinner for Father's Day,
and we didn't end up going out of town.
Austin and Lexx were even able to make it
to the celebration after they got off work.
It was a great meal, and we sat around
and talked for about two hours.
My dad and Todd's uncle didn't end up making it,
but we ate enough for both of them.

Dickey's Barbecue is where it's at!
YUMMY turkey and butter rolls.
I'm having dreams about them.

Two of the three dad's that were there.
Dennis is on the left and Todd in the middle.

Robb flashing that great big smile.
Amber was keeping him company.

Anne enjoyed the baseball game that was going on.
Anne was nice enough to pay for all of us.
What a nice treat -
very thoughtful!
Although our original plans didn't work out,
we still had a wonderful time.
Any chance you have to spend with family -
you should do it!

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