Thursday, November 1, 2012

What A Witch

Sandwich that is!
(Get it...sandwich - sandwitch).
All the gals that I work with decided we should dress up as witches.
I didn't want to be a traditional boring ole witch,
so I put my thinking cap on and came up with this.
Pretty clever for me,
because being honest, I'm not usually clever.
The sandwich part was easy,
but figuring out what to do with my hat was a little more difficult.
I came up with the idea of having a toothpick coming out the top.
Great in theory, not in execution.
It kind of looked like a smurf toilet bowl cleaner.
Anyways, my group of ladies won a prize 
for our costumes at the Halloween party at work
so I'm happy.
I'm especially happy because the prize was candy
nom, nom, nom.
Besides the party at work, it was a pretty low key Halloween.
The hubs and I went grocery shopping, to dinner, and then came
home and watched Devil's Advocate.
That stinking movie scares the bejeezus
out of me everytime I watch it.
I am really not a horror/scary movie fan.
The kids went to school and kind of did their own thing,
but neither one of them dressed up.
What a bunch of party poopers I live with.
So did you do anything exciting for Halloween,
or did you turn off all the lights and hide in your bedroom
like the people in my house?


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda. How in the world did you make the sandwich part?? It was very clever and how many times do I have to tell you not to sell yourself short --esp since you are nice and tall-lol:-) AA

Brenda said...

HI Anne,
It's just a color copy of a sandwich that is glued on cardboard. Not too technical, but technical enough I had to have a friend help me.

That's a clever comment.."dont sell yourself short..esp. since you are nice and tall." Hehehe

Have a great one!