Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On a Happier Note

Still haven't heard on Alexxa's car,
but I will update you guys when I find out.

Enough of the stressful stuff...
On to the important stuff -
like birthday parties!

We celebrate Dennis' birthday this last Sunday,
and we did mine as well.
I know, my actual birthday was a couple months ago,
but we had a hard time all getting together.

It was so yummy!
Anne made roast and chicken with green beans, potatoes,
and rolls.
I had to control myself and only had one helping!
(Yay me)
I didn't get a picture, of course, because I was too busy eating.

When dinner was done, we moved on to dessert and gifts.
As always, both Dennis and I were spoiled.
Our families are always so thoughtful,
we are all very fortunate.

Me serving up my strawberry birthday pie.
And, why yes my thumb is red -
what about it?

Anne (on the left) is the one who slaved away making the delicious meal.

A shot of part of the gang.

A shot of most of the rest of the gang.

Dennis, the real birthday boy.

Isn't the alligator he got for his birthday adorable.
You put them in your pond, and they float around and scare everyone.

After the celebration, some people went 
outside to check out Dennis' pond.
The kids and I took this opportunity to make fools of ourselves.

Me and my boy.
Check out the facial hair he's got going on.
He grows it for Mo-vember, and then he cuts it off in December.

The girl and I being crazy.
What's new?
We tend to really crack ourselves up.

It was a fun evening and it was great to get everyone together
even if it was only for a few hours.

So, are your relatives as awesome as mine?
Do you do dumb photos with your kids?

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