Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sun Diego Continued

While in San Diego, Todd and I wanted
to do at least one touristy thing.
The problem was that we had been to San Diego several
times before, so we were kind of at a loss as to what to do.
I had taken the time before we left to do a little research,
and found that the USS Midway had received great reviews.
I knew this was at least one thing now on our "To do" list.
It took a little convincing, I think Todd was thinking more
along animals or beaches, but he was a good sport and played along.
Ends up, this was a great choice because Todd LOVED it!
Being an engineer, he could really appreciate all of the work
that it took to make that baby work!
The carrier is MASSIVE!
Todd and I didn't even get to finish the self guided tour
because we ran out of time.
If you do decide to take a tour,
 allow yourself at least 3 - 4 hours.
I took a few pictures with our little point-and-shoot,
so they didn't turn out that great.
Also, I didn't include all of the pictures because
you would be here for days looking at them.
I only included some of my favorites.
They had a store, couldn't be all that bad - right?

These are the enlisted men sleeping quarters.
Can you tell by the look on Todd's face that he was glad
he was not sleeping in one of these!

The beds also served as their storage.
Pretty good use of space.
I have to say, it wasn't only the lack of sleeping space
that would have bugged me, but what you can't tell from this
picture is that they are actually in a main walkway.
That meant that the only thing between you and people
walking around were those blue curtains.

You read that right -
they were called "coffin lockers" and were 6 cubic feet.

A little betterr picture.

I believe these were the officers quarters.
I can't remember exactly, but they were much better than
the other enlisted men bunks.
These were actually not in a main hallway,
and if memory serves, there might have been a door.
Oh! Excuse me sir, I didn't know you were taking a shower.
This was actually a dummy they set up in the
shower area near the aforementioned officer area.
Being that we were on a Navy vessel, you knew
that there were going to be some kind of knots somewhere.
Take a look at this beauty that someone made.
Pretty beautiful and interesting at the same time.

I think this was the ready room, but again, I could be mistaken.
I just really liked this room because it reminded me of
something on Top Gun.
I know, I'm a dork.

Here is Todd standing by a cool refurbished plane.

Todd and I took a self portrait from the top deck.
Look how high up we are.
I'm telling you, the thing is massive.

This is like a capsule that stored life rafts and supplies.
I was floored by how little they supplied.
Keep in mind that this is a 25 man life raft.
I sure hope most people were rescued after one day
because it doesn't look like those supplies would go very far.

I got my picture taken next to this awesome yellow plane.
The colors reminded me of Bumble Bee on Transformers.
Pretty cool plane - ay!

I never miss an opportunity to take a picture with a good
looking military guy, even if they are cardboard.
There was definitely a ton that I didn't include in this post.
They have lots of interactive things to do:
flight simulator rides
music videos
short films
 climb-aboard aircraft and cockpits
 interactive exhibits
 "Ejection Seat" Theater
There is much more-
I just can't name it all.
If you are interested in visiting the museum,
definitely go to their website
I would highly recommend it for people of all ages,
but especially if you have school aged children.

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