Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sun Diego

Todd and I ended up taking a short
trip to San Diego last week.
He had a conference and invited me along
to help keep him company.
Being the awesome wife that I am,
I obliged...I know the sacrifices I make!

We left out on Friday night around 6 pm.
I didn't get any pictures because basically
you would have been looking at a pure black
picture since we were driving at night.
We made it to beautiful Bakersfield by 11 PM,
and got ourselves a hotel on the outskirts of town.
Saturday rolled around, and 
we were quickly on our way to San Diego.

We stopped at Oceanside for gas and lunch.
Island Burgers was were it was at!
There were some college games on, so Todd
and I took a break, ate lunch and watched 
some of the games before continuing on.

We actually rolled into our hotel in San Diego 
around 3 PM, and were fairly
impressed by the digs.
I didn't manage to get any personal pictures of
the place, so I had to go to their website and
borrow some.

All pictures from the Sheraton Marina website.


We got situated in our room, took a little nap
and then it was time for dinner.

Todd did a little research and we 
ended up at a nice bar on the marina.
It was kind of funny because we arrived at the restaurant
and the hostess asked how many there were in our party.
Todd said two, she looked at us and
then put us in a really nice spot.
I glanced over the menu, decided what I wanted to eat,
and then when I was situated
 I started to check out the joint.
It was then that I noticed that Todd and I had
been banished to the "old folks" area.
The inside was hopping with 
good looking 20 somethings.
Everyone who wasn't inside the bar area -
 old people and families!
Am I that old now?
At any rate, we had a fabulous dinner,
and went home full and satisfied.

We didn't get great pictures - 
none of the food or the restaurant,
but trust me, it was yummy.

So I have to ask,
have you ever been banished from a restaurant?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, Yes, Anne and I are always banished... I am sure, It's not because of Anne, but after they take one look at me, they lead us away to the old folks area!! I always tell Anne, how surprised I am. I think they should be asking me for my driver's license instead.