Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Plentiful Bounty

Todd and I decided to try our hand at a garden, again.
We had tried a couple years ago, but placed the garden in some crummy soil, 
as well as an indiscreet area.
The poor little garden failed and Todd and I moved on about our merry little lives.

This year we decided that we would try again because we had made a resolution to try and eat healthier,
 and what better way than to eat your very own home grown veggies.
We went out and bought the fruits and veggie plants, and Todd promptly planted them.

Fast forward about 5-6 months.

We HAVE veggies.
It's a bumper crop for us.
The cucumber thingy.
Yep, there was one more.

A cute little squash.

After spending approx. $30-$50 dollars on the plants,
our investment yielded us 2 lemon cucumbers, 1 squash and a tomato that is half rotted on the ground...
le sigh!
I noticed that there might have been more tomaters, 
but it looks like maybe a deer or two might have eaten some of the tomato plant.
Also, we are not very good about putting compost or any of that stuff in the soil 
 it is in a semi-shaded area.  
I'm pretty sure we need both of those things to have some sort of successful garden.

After a short discussion with Todd, we think next year we are just going to try the hanging tomato baskets and a couple other things that we can grow close to the house and give a little more attention.

Any thoughts?  Are any of you gardeners?  We are in some desperate need of guidance!

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