Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Looks Like a Disaster Zone

I'm about at wits end.
We have ripped most of the carpet out of the hallway and rooms, 
but still have one bedroom and two closets to finish.

This week Todd and I are going to try to finish painting the old bedroom 
so that we can move Lexx in to it.

After we accomplish that, we can tear out the carpet in her room and closet,
and then get started truly remodeling our "master" bedroom.

We haven't decided on any flooring yet, so it's going to remain sub-floor until that happens.

I'll keep you updated as we progress through the project.

I can't believe I'm posting these pictures of my nasty looking house,
but here goes nothing.
This is part of the hallway with crap piled everywhere.
You can't hardly walk through the hallway without tripping over something.
The floors look super bad because they are sub-flooring, not real flooring.
Makes it easy to clean the floors though!

Our project this weekend.
We didn't realize it, but we burn candles in this room, and when we pulled up
 the baseboard and removed the curtains,
 you can totally see where the smoke discolored the walls.

We will be painting this room, replacing windowsills, and putting in new baseboard 
(and eventually new flooring and a light fixture, just not at this moment).

Do you have any big projects that seem never ending?
Please tell me I'm not the only one walking around on sub floor.
(I have a feeling I probably am the only one -boo).

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