Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

I'm finally getting a Thanksgiving post up,
only three days late.
You'll have to forgive me, we hosted
Thanksgiving at our house this year,
and I came down with a bad cold/flu
that has hung on for over a week.
So as you can imagine, I took the
few days I had off to recuperate.
Despite being a little sick,
Thanksgiving went off without a hitch.
I decided to try a cheese plate this year,
which was a new adventure.
I had never created anything like it before,
but was inspired when we had one at
our anniversary dinner in September.
We displayed the goodies on our new
homemade side table.
It worked out perfectly
(now I just have to wait for it to warm up
so I can stain the table).
I bought some fabulous cheese throughout
the past month, then added grapes,
candied pecans, prosciutto, crackers,
olives and salami.
I also made two homemade floral arrangements.
They looked okay, but I have some
things that I would like to change next
year if I decide to make them again.
I made the hole in the top of the
pumpkin too big,
so all the flowers had to be cut shorter
in order to be more compact
and fill the large hole.
It made the arrangement look a little stubby.
Everyone arrived around 3 PM,
and we were ready to eat by 3:30 PM.
The only thing that held us up was that we
did a second turkey that was deep fried,
so we had to wait until 4 PMish to actually sit down to dinner.
I had the timing of my baked turkey down this year...
that was something I struggled with last year.
And the Thanksgiving meal looked fantastic.
Everyone pitched in and brought a dish,
and let me tell you, we have some fantastic
cooks in our family!

The gathering was small,
only 11 of us, but it was so nice to be
able to talk and visit with everyone
and not have to worry about making the rounds.
Smaller gatherings are my favorite!

We all enjoyed the wonderful food,

the great conversation,

and being with family.
I truly do have a lot to be thankful for,
and couldn't be happier to share our
home with the people we love most!


Dennis said...

Everything was wonderful!! The food was fantastic and I appreciate all the work you put into it...

All ready looking forward to next year.

Anonymous said...

The food was really great and we are so thankful for having a wonderful family!! AA

Brenda said...

Thanks Dennis and Anne. We enjoy hosting, and feel like each year we kind of tweek it to make it a little better, so in 20 years I should have everything down!