Monday, November 16, 2015

Update on "Autumn To Do" List

I have a quick little update
on how I'm progressing on my
Any guesses as to how many tasks
I have completed to date?
Let's take a look and see.
Go to a pumpkin patch,
and take a hay ride.
Make homemade hot chocolate.
Buy some clothes in fall colors.
Go for a short hike.

Take some fall pictures,
and more pictures.
Make some homemade soup.
Not a bad start on the list.
We haven't even finished November
and I'm a little more than half way through the list.
I'm very close to finishing three additional tasks.
You want to take bets as to whether you think
 I'll complete the list or not?
I guess we'll find out on December 21st.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have made great progress on your list and I am guessing the "making furniture from scratch or something like that" will be taking more time than a couple other items!! Good job so far :-) AA