Sunday, November 1, 2015

26th Anniversary - Howard Johnson Ranch

Todd and I celebrated our 26th anniversary
back in September, but we weren't able to
get away due to work/schedule conflicts.
It was not a big deal to wait to celebrate, in fact, Todd
and I actually like to travel in October/November.
This year Todd took charge of the anniversary plans.
We ended up in the Fort Bragg area for four days
and stayed at a cute little Bed and Breakfast.
was our destination.
It took us between 5-6 hours to get there,
and we both only took half-a-day
 off from work on Friday,
so we arrived in the dark.
We weren't sure what the grounds looked like,
but we were pleasantly surprised when
we woke up the next day to see that we
were basically right on the beach.
I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
The sign that announced we had finally arrived!
The B & B is located on 60 acres of ocean front property,
and is surrounded by mountains.
The cabin we stayed in, The Boat House
It is called that because it was an actual boat
that the owners converted into a cabin.
You can still see bits and pieces of the boat while inside.

The pathway to the front door.

Front porch of The Boat House.

Inside the cabin.
Yes, Todd and I did fit in that bed on the left.
I was a little worried at first,
but there ended up being more than enough room.
The cabin had a sink, microwave, fridge, fireplace,
sitting area, desk, private shower and toilet.

The swinging bridge that lead to the Farm House.

Front porch of the Farm House.

A view of the ocean from the Farm House.
The interior of the Farm House was filled
with antiques, and all sorts of neat little chotchkies.

The family room of the Farm House.


The dining room in the Farm House.

Beautiful garden outside the Farm House.

One of the several animals on the grounds.
This particular one really liked to have its picture taken.
Silly pony.
Some of the things that Todd and I really
enjoyed about the B & B....
no television or cell phone service.
We were totally disconnected while we
were at the ranch, and it was
so nice and relaxing!
So what did we do while on
 vacation you ask? 
Guess you'll have to read my next
blog post to find out.


Anonymous said...

What a nice place to celebrate 26 years together!! I'm guessing y"all took long walks on the beach and did some wine tasting somewhere! I look forward to the next installment. I did learn a new word from this--what the heck is a chotchkie?? I shall check that out. AA

Brenda said...

A chotchkie is a little collectible usually not worth much.