Wednesday, November 4, 2015

26th Anniversary - Day 2

We started off our day with breakfast
at Howard Creek Ranch.
It was provided at no additional cost,
so we were not expecting much.
In fact, we were expecting a continental breakfast.
We were pleasantly surprised when we
were served scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, baked pears,
sausage and coffee/fresh squeezed orange juice or mint tea.
Most of the food came from the farm,
but I believe some of the fruit was store bought.

After our delicious breakfast, we headed out to Mendocino.
Whenever we are in this area, we stop here.
This town always has the neatest shops and galleries.

Picture is of part of Mendocino.
I was standing in the middle of the road!

One of the cool galleries that we visited in town.

This artwork is made with sand!
I can't imagine the patience it takes to do this.

Todd and I took our picture in front of the ocean
that you can't see because it's all blown out
 from being overexposed.
We were super happy here because we had
just visited our favorite candy store and
bought some goodies to eat throughout the day.
After we were done window shopping and just
enjoying the perfect weather, we headed to
Mendocino Botanical Gardens to buy
a couple of plants that Todd had been wanting.
We made it out of there without spending a fortune -
which is unusual for us, and Todd found the plants he wanted.
By the time we were done in Mendocino
and the Botanical Gardens it was 4 PM ish.
So we decided to see if there was a movie playing
that we wanted to see.
We had tried to watch The Martian the
previous week, but due to scheduling difficulties
we were unable to watch it.
It was, in fact, showing in Fort Bragg, but not until 4:45 PM.
Todd prepurchased the tickets and then we wandered
around town until it was time to watch the movie.
We LOVED the movie, and it was definitely worth the wait.
After the movie we went to the
I had originally wanted to go to a winery,
but when I did some research online,
all the wineries were about an hour away.
So I found the local brewery and it had pretty decent reviews.

It ended up being fancier than I had imagined,
and a little pricier, but since we were celebrating
our anniversary we decided to live it up.

Todd had trouble deciding what to order,

I didn't.
I got some beer samples,

Chicken Cordon Bleu with veggies and garlic mashed potatoes.
The food was fantastic!
Todd and I left thoroughly stuffed and ready to head
back to the B & B so that we could relax and go to bed.
We ended our evening around 9 PM.
It was such a great day packed full of
fantasic fun things to do.
Next up, day 3. 


Anonymous said...

I am curious about what plants Todd got?? Was he able to find something "edible" on the menu?--lol What a nice, relaxed day! AA

Brenda said...

Todd purchased a Gunnera and a fern (not sure of specific type). For dinner he had wedge salad, fried calamari, shrimp louie, pulled pork, veggies and cornbread. I had some of the calamari, about 1/3 of the wedge salad and then what you saw in the my beer. The food was awesome!