Monday, May 5, 2014

Strawberry Jam

Did you guess what it was that Lexx and I made?
No - here is another clue...
We took a little time two Saturdays ago and
made homemade strawberry jam.
I had tried making it about a year ago
with pectin, and it was a disaster.
So I asked one of my coworkers who
makes homemade jam regularly
what recipe she used.
She directed me to
but said that she modified the recipe
and made it very simple.
I thought I would share the recipe I used,
and if you wanted to go to Martha's website
you could do that as well.
6 cups halved strawberries
3 cups sugar
1/2 a lemon
Take strawberries, sugar, and juice from half a lemon
and combine in a large non reactive pot
and cook over medium heat.
Stir with a wooden spoon until
ingredients are mixed together.
Then take a potato masher (or whatever works for you)
and mush down the strawberries .
Cook for about 5 minutes.
Mixture should start to boil.
At this point you want to stir pretty consistently.
The mixture should turn from bright red to deep red.
This takes between 15-20 minutes
and the mixture will thicken.  If you
have a candy thermometer, the temperature
should register around 220 degrees.
If you are unsure if your mixture is done,
you can do a gel test.
I take a spoon that I placed in the freezer
and scoop the mixture in the spoon. 
If the mixture sticks to the spoon,
your jam should be done.

When the mixture is ready,
poor it into the jars and seal and then
give them a water bath.

homemade strawberry jam.
You should make it - it's delicious!

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