Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Hike

We decided not to go kayaking this last weekend
and instead went on a hike.
Lexx and I hiked 4 miles, until the heat got to us.
Todd and Aust hiked about 8 miles.
We left out around noon, on the beautiful
HOT sunny day.

The scenery was beautiful,
but the heat made it difficult to enjoy.

You have never seen anyone so happy to see water.
I knew that I was only abut half way through the
hike when we made it to the creek.
I was so tempted to lay down in it and cool off.

Lexx had fun with the dandelion.

When we got about 1/2 mile from our destination,
a life flight helicopter landed right in front of us.

It wasn't surprising that someone was getting life flighted out.
As soon as this helicopter left,
another one was behind it
(either that or the same one had to come back
and get someone else).

It was literally right above us,
and one of the occupants was waving at us.

So that was our excitement for the day.
We came back home and had a barbecue,
took showers, watched movies and went to bed.
It was a pretty eventful day.
What did you do for Memorial Day?

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