Friday, May 30, 2014


This weekend is going to be a busy one.
Alexxa's birthday was this past week,
and we couldn't celebrate because we had to work.
So this weekend is going to be about her.
Apparently her wish is to go kayaking, to a movie
and have steak salad with strawberry shortcake.
Then, the owners of the gym we go to
invited us to their beginning of summer party.
My parents have also invited Lexx up
for a homemade meal on Sunday.
As you can tell, we aren't lacking for things to do.
So is your family going crazy this time of year?
At least we don't have several graduations to attend.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


The kids are home from college for a bit.
 Todd and I got a phone call last Saturday
asking if we could drive home Austin's car home.
Apparently, he hasn't quite perfected the stick shift.
So Todd and I came to the rescue.
When we pulled up, this is the first thing we saw.

Can't quite read it?
Here it is a little bigger.

Alexxa decided to make a sign for Austin.
She didn't want anyone getting hurt
while he was driving.
gotta love them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Hike

We decided not to go kayaking this last weekend
and instead went on a hike.
Lexx and I hiked 4 miles, until the heat got to us.
Todd and Aust hiked about 8 miles.
We left out around noon, on the beautiful
HOT sunny day.

The scenery was beautiful,
but the heat made it difficult to enjoy.

You have never seen anyone so happy to see water.
I knew that I was only abut half way through the
hike when we made it to the creek.
I was so tempted to lay down in it and cool off.

Lexx had fun with the dandelion.

When we got about 1/2 mile from our destination,
a life flight helicopter landed right in front of us.

It wasn't surprising that someone was getting life flighted out.
As soon as this helicopter left,
another one was behind it
(either that or the same one had to come back
and get someone else).

It was literally right above us,
and one of the occupants was waving at us.

So that was our excitement for the day.
We came back home and had a barbecue,
took showers, watched movies and went to bed.
It was a pretty eventful day.
What did you do for Memorial Day?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Brain Dump

I have some random things to share.
This is what Friday brain 
looks like, so try to follow along.

Look, tomatoes!

And peas!  
Growing sideways you ask -
well duh...
I can't figure out how to turn the !*$# picture the right way.

Look at the little yard decoration.
He's so goofy and colorful.
He makes me smile.

Doesn't this ground cover look pretty.
I love how it cascades down the rocks.

My orange flower seems to glow.
No photoshop here people...
Just beautiful naturally vibrant colors.

So we don't have much planned for Memorial Day.
Possibly might go kayaking,
but the forecast calls for lightning, so if that's the case
we'll be staying at home watching the tube.

Have a great weekend,
and don't forget to thank a soldier for their service.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Guess What?

We (meaning Todd) managed to get pictures
from our trip off the good camera!
Turns out that the usb port was bad,
so he bought me an adapter and..
I'm so super duper excited.
We have several good ones, but I'll just
share some of my favorites from the trip.


Let's hope I don't have any more trouble with my camera.
I love the pictures from it.
A little better than the ones of the cell phone...
don't you think?


Friday, May 16, 2014


It's Friday!

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Working It Out

I'm in the orange category.
As you know I've been doing a dumb diet.
It's been about two months and I've lost about 10-12 pounds.
I got frustrated because I plateaued at 10ish pounds
(of course it couldn't have anything to do with
the fact that I don't really want to stop
eating yummy food!)
So Todd and I caved and bought a gym membership.
So far we have worked out 3 days out of 3 days planned.
Here's the thing,
I really kind of like it.
I definitely feel better after working out,
and in just 3 days I've been able to bump
up weights in my circuits anywhere from 10-20 pounds.
Plus, theoretically, if I work out enough
I can eat more of the foods I like
(I'm just not there yet).
So why am I telling you this?
Because you might see a little less of me on here,
or possibly the posts may be added later in the evening.
I haven't quite figured out the logistics yet.
Rest assured, however, that I will still be
posting during the week.
Are you working out?
If so, what is your favorite exercise?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I hope all my mom friends out there had a wonderful day.
As always, I was spoiled rotten, 
and my kids don't even live here any more.
They showed me the love by posting a wonderful
message on Facebook for me, and emailing me.
So thoughtful!

Todd took me out to a brunch buffet, 
with flowers, chocolate and specialty cupcakes included.
Then Todd helped his mom out for a few hours,
and I got to have some "me" time.
What did I do you ask?
Well...cleaned my dresser, did a load of laundry,
surfed the net for a dress for a wedding Lexx is in,
and that's about it.

Playing on the computer.

When evening rolled around, Anne (Todd's mother),
wanted to eat at Sizzler, so we all headed down to 
enjoy a good hardy meal - and one we didn't have to cook at that!

We at too much, of course, and talked, 
and when it started to get dark, we all headed home.

Soon to be sister-in-law Amber, me, mother-in-law Anne.
(I'll have you know I was practically laying down 
so we could all fit in the picture!)

Todd and Anne

It was such a nice relaxing day.
The only thing that was missing was my mom.

Miss you Mom!

She is out of town, so we are going to have
 to celebrate when she returns.

So what did you do for Mother's Day?

Friday, May 9, 2014


Enough said.
I'm getting me one of these for the weekend!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Unbelievable Tattoos

Okay, let me start off by saying I'm
not a huge tattoo fan.
I thought about getting a small tattoo of a dolphin
on my hip when I was 18, but decided against it and
instead got my ears pierced three times.
(I'm so glad I didn't because that dolphin
would have turned into a whale).
With that being said I think
the following tats are amazing.
Some are truly a work of art.
See what you think.
All tattoo pictures from here.


This one is my personal favorite.
So what do you think?
Do you like any of them?
If so, which one is your favorite?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Strawberry Jam

Did you guess what it was that Lexx and I made?
No - here is another clue...
We took a little time two Saturdays ago and
made homemade strawberry jam.
I had tried making it about a year ago
with pectin, and it was a disaster.
So I asked one of my coworkers who
makes homemade jam regularly
what recipe she used.
She directed me to
but said that she modified the recipe
and made it very simple.
I thought I would share the recipe I used,
and if you wanted to go to Martha's website
you could do that as well.
6 cups halved strawberries
3 cups sugar
1/2 a lemon
Take strawberries, sugar, and juice from half a lemon
and combine in a large non reactive pot
and cook over medium heat.
Stir with a wooden spoon until
ingredients are mixed together.
Then take a potato masher (or whatever works for you)
and mush down the strawberries .
Cook for about 5 minutes.
Mixture should start to boil.
At this point you want to stir pretty consistently.
The mixture should turn from bright red to deep red.
This takes between 15-20 minutes
and the mixture will thicken.  If you
have a candy thermometer, the temperature
should register around 220 degrees.
If you are unsure if your mixture is done,
you can do a gel test.
I take a spoon that I placed in the freezer
and scoop the mixture in the spoon. 
If the mixture sticks to the spoon,
your jam should be done.

When the mixture is ready,
poor it into the jars and seal and then
give them a water bath.

homemade strawberry jam.
You should make it - it's delicious!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth

So did you do anything exciting for
May the Fourth Be With You day?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fr - Fra - Friday!

I can't believe the weather change this week!
We basically went from the 50's to the low 90's
within four days.  And today - 70's.

Apparently I'm a fragile little rose petal like
Todd calls me because I caught a cold/cough
in the middle of the week.
Of course, it could have been when the kids 
were home last weekend and both brought
their cesspool of germs along with them.

I have a little project that Lexx that and I did and
I'm going to share with you next week,
but until then, here is a little sneak peek.

Can you guess what we did?