I took a few more picture for the photo challenge.
I've been pretty bad about following though with the prompts,
but I'm just kind of doing it as I remember.
No stress!
Favorite drink - actually Diet Coke is my favorite,
but I gave up the hard stuff about a month ago.
This is my next favorite.
Non fat, decaf, iced tuxedo...
Ohhhh ya!
Shiny -
I don't think this was actually a prompt,
I think it was supposed to be tiny,
but I think I got tiny and shiny confused,
so I just added it in anyway.
Tiny - Snail shell
On the floor - of our patio
Above -
Can you tell I LOVE my tulip tree?
I took some more pictures, but I didn't like how they
turned out, so I'll try again later.
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