Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Little Visitor

We had a little visitor yesterday.

Say hi to Pablo.
Pablo the pot bellied pig.

He showed up in our yard a few weeks ago,
and has since made a couple more visits.

His name isn't really Pablo,
that's just what we named him because it sounded 
good with pot bellied.
We think he belongs to our next door neighbor, 
but we are not entirely sure about that.

Pablo posing for the camera.

So have you had any unexpected visitors at your house lately?


Amy said...

This reminds me of a camping trip to the Pinnacles!! Crazy - who finds a pig in their yard?! Nope, can't say I've had any unexpected visitors lately!! :)

Brenda said...

I had totally forgot about the Pinnacles, mostly because I was asleep when the pig raided camp. I have to say, this one is friendly (probably somebody's pet). Not sure the one in the Pinnacles was. Don't be jealous about our visitor, you will probably have a bear or something similar eventually (wasn't there one on the ridge behind your house a couple years ago?).