Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Grimy, Greasy and Goopy

Todd worked on his Jeep all weekend.
What a messy job.
I admire him because there is no way is hoot 
I would get inside a car and tear apart the engine.
I don't even like it when my hands get dirty making dinner,
much less all the grease everywhere...
and I do mean EVERYWHERE!

When Todd started pulling stuff apart it was apparent
that a little clean up on the Jeeps intestines was long overdue...
what do you call the inside of a mechanical object...
not intestines I'm sure?

That is a screwdriver covered in "sludge".
Sludge is the black gross looking oil snot.
Apparently it is bad to have this.

The Jeep has 350,000 miles on it and this is the first time
he has had any problems with it.
So it's been a great vehicle.
He feels like he owes it to the little mule to see if he can
get her up and running.

So, one weekend down, let's see how many more
it takes until Todd can get her up and running.

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