Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy day...
I have Friday off  - it's Good Friday after all.
I have been catching up on all the things I have been neglecting.
Saturday, I think I might be making a trip to Home Depot.
I'm thinking about painting something in the house,
but I haven't decided on a color.
Sunday is Easter (duh!),
and we will be going to Todd's dad's house to celebrate.
It's going to be an awesome weekend!
I can't wait to get this party started.
Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oh No!

Hardy, har, har!
This makes me giggle.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We Be Ridin'

Austin's cousin, Brie, came over the other day.
She brought her new toy...a little motorcycle.
Austin couldn't help himself, and jumped on it.
Notice the cycle is about as tall as Austin's ankle to knee.

Austin having a good time.
After he did a couple laps around the driveway,
he got the quad out, and Brie rode he motorcycle.

Brie and Austin riding.

Look at that smile!
They did a lap or two around our property,
and then Brie had to go home.
It was pretty cute seeing those two riding all over the place.

Cool factor.
I bet you wished you looked this good.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stuffed Bell Peppers

You already saw a picture of this on my photo challenge.
I made it on St. Patrick's Day
 because it reminded me of a clover.
They turned out pretty well and they're pretty good for you,
so I thought I would share the recipe.
4 large green bell peppers
1 cup of cooked brown rice
1 lb 93% lean ground turkey
2 garlic cloves
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 can diced tomatoes (with Italian seasoning is better)
tomato sauce - enough to cover the bottom of a casserole dish.
2 tbsp canola oil
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Cut bell peppers in half lengthwise; discard seeds and membranes.
 Place in a casserole dish - the bottom of the dish should
 be covered with a thin layer of tomato sauce.
In a pan, add canola oil and sautee the onions until translucent (5-7 minutes).
Add minced garlic and cook for 2 minutes.
Then add the ground turkey and brown.

In a large bowl, combine the cooked ground turkey,
 brown rice, and diced tomatoes.
  Add salt and pepper to taste.
 Scoop mixture into each bell pepper half.

Bake, covered, for 30 minutes. If desired, uncover,
sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top, and bake an additional 5 minutes.
I cooked the turkey thoroughly while I was making the rice.
They finished fairly close to each other, so that was nice.
I added the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce,
garlic and onion to the ground turkey,
and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
When it looked like it was all cooked,
I added the rice to the meat mixture.

Brown rice and meat mixture.
Once it was nice and mixed together,
all I did was add the mixture in the cleaned out bell peppers
(be sure to remove all the little seeds and wash the pepper thoroughly).

Bell peppers ready to go in the oven.

I didn't cook the tops, but I suppose you could.
I just added it here for effect.

The finished product.
I definitely will be making these again in the near future.
Do you have any semi healthy/healthy recipes
 that you make for your family?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Photo Challenge - Week 3

I took a few more picture for the photo challenge.
I've been pretty bad about following though with the prompts,
but I'm just kind of doing it as I remember.
No stress!

Favorite drink - actually Diet Coke is my favorite,
but I gave up the hard stuff about a month ago.
This is my next favorite.
Non fat, decaf, iced tuxedo...
Ohhhh ya!

Shiny -
 I don't think this was actually a prompt,
I think it was supposed to be tiny, 
but I think I got tiny and shiny confused,
 so I just added it in anyway.

Tiny - Snail shell

On the floor - of our patio

Above -
Can you tell I LOVE my tulip tree?
I took some more pictures, but I didn't like how they
turned out, so I'll try again later.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Has Sprung - Again

 It's finally spring, and we welcomed it around
these parts with a nice little rain storm earlier this week.
I can't complain too much because it was a
pretty warm storm, and we need the rain.

Spring time means spring cleaning
(and spring clothes, spring weather, spring activities - yeah!)
I guess that means I'll do my once yearly dusting (kidding),
including fan blades, baseboards and all the neglected stuff.
I'll probably also wipe down the inside
and outside of my cupboards.
Of course we need to do some yard work:
pull weeds, plant flowers, get new dirt/bark for the planters.
I also want to give one more try to gardening.
As you've probably already read,
we haven't been super successful in the past.
Pure neglect of the garden might have
something to do with that.

On the personal front...
I really need to start walking again
(kind of started - but my foot is still bothering me).
You know, bikini season and all!  BAHAHA, as if.
Time to also get my toes painted for sandal weather.
I'm also thinking I'm going to get my hair cut much shorter.
Right now it is at the middle of my back,
and I'm thinking I'm wanting to cut it shoulder length.
We'll see if I chicken out or not.

So what do you have planned for spring time?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Currently Loving...

So awesome!
What do you think?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This is Koa.
He needs a haircut -super bad.

Doesn't he look like Chewbacca on Star Wars?

He makes me laugh.

How can you not love that face (those faces - love u honey)?

Do you have any animals that bring a smile to your face?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Grimy, Greasy and Goopy

Todd worked on his Jeep all weekend.
What a messy job.
I admire him because there is no way is hoot 
I would get inside a car and tear apart the engine.
I don't even like it when my hands get dirty making dinner,
much less all the grease everywhere...
and I do mean EVERYWHERE!

When Todd started pulling stuff apart it was apparent
that a little clean up on the Jeeps intestines was long overdue...
what do you call the inside of a mechanical object...
not intestines I'm sure?

That is a screwdriver covered in "sludge".
Sludge is the black gross looking oil snot.
Apparently it is bad to have this.

The Jeep has 350,000 miles on it and this is the first time
he has had any problems with it.
So it's been a great vehicle.
He feels like he owes it to the little mule to see if he can
get her up and running.

So, one weekend down, let's see how many more
it takes until Todd can get her up and running.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Some More Photo Challenge Pics

I haven't been really good about taking pictures in a timely manner.
I did manage to snap a few this weekend so I can share.

2.  Morning - (morning light on the flowers)

2.  More morning - actually later morning light

9.  Homemade - dinner

17.  Green

That's it.
I'm bad!
I will get it done - or at least most of it - eventually.

Go to for more info on the photo challenge.

Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Happy early St. Patty's Day.
I figured I better tell you now because I don't post on the weekends (generally).
We don't have anything exciting planned, in fact, quite the opposite.
Todd's Jeep pooped out, so we are staying home this
weekend whilst he works on the beast.
Might be a good time to get some projects done 
that I have been completely ignoring.

On a different subject, sorry I didn't post yesterday.
For once it wasn't our computer or router giving us
issues, it was actually that the server was out.
Hopefully everything is all figured out and we 
won't have to worry about that again.

Have a great weekend, and try not to have
to many green beers!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Now This Is My Type of Art

Those who know me well know that I like BIG jewelry.
Let me tell you...
Liesbet Bussche knows how to accessorize. 
She is a street artist who makes large scale jewelry 
and exhibits it in the streets of France.
All pictures via Pinterest.
You can also visit her webpage at .

 I'll take two of each!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Photo Challenge Pictures - Some of Them!

So here's what I have for the photo challenge so far.
Some of them I have decided I don't want to do,
and others I took but didn't like how they turned out.
I do have the majority of them so far,
so I thought I would share.
1.  Clock

2.  Morning - not done

3.  Kitchen

4.  Where I sat

5.  Sharp
6.  What I wore - not going to do
7.  Hair - in progress
8.  A mess
9.  Homemade
10.  Favorite drink - Nonfat, decaf tuxedo - YUMMERS!
11.  Texture, and...

11.  More texture

So have you taken any pictures lately?
Do share.

Monday, March 11, 2013


So did you stay busy this weekend?
I did, mostly.
We ran a bunch of errands on Saturday,
and I took some (not all) of my pictures
for the photo challenge.
I'll probably post the pics that I have taken tomorrow.
Sunday was kind of a bust because of the time change.
I pretty much stayed home and tried to adjust.
Monday wasn't too bad because I had taken the
morning off to go to the doctors, so I got to sleep in a little bit.
Before I knew, it was 5 o'clock and I was heading home from work.
I heard this song this weekend and it was a blast from the past,
and I wanted to share it with you.
I told Todd it's my anthem.
Good right?
Have you heard any good songs lately?


Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Friday to You

I don't have much planned for this weekend.
If I'm being honest with you,
my only plan is to catch up on the photography challenge.
Pictures taken to date = 1.
I told you I wanted it to be low stress.
Anywho, have a great weekend and stay out of trouble.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's Time For...

A cuteness explosion!
I need something cute and fluffy to help me get
through the rest of this long work week.
I laugh every time I look at his face.
I think I make it the remainder of the week now.
What do you do to help you through the week?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Little Visitor

We had a little visitor yesterday.

Say hi to Pablo.
Pablo the pot bellied pig.

He showed up in our yard a few weeks ago,
and has since made a couple more visits.

His name isn't really Pablo,
that's just what we named him because it sounded 
good with pot bellied.
We think he belongs to our next door neighbor, 
but we are not entirely sure about that.

Pablo posing for the camera.

So have you had any unexpected visitors at your house lately?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

When Moth's Attack

I was walking in to my house the other day when 
I noticed that there were considerably more moths 
then there have been in the past.  
I'm not sure what's going on,
 but they are all over our windows and lights 
(outside, of course).

I took a closer look and they were even different colors.

This is just a small sampling,
there are literally dozens all over the windows and door.

Hmmmmm, weird!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Breakfast, Tires, Shopping & a Visit

We had a pretty busy Saturday over here in the McComb household.
It started off with a delicious breakfast, then an appointment to get tires for my car.
I know that they are a necessity, but in my girl mind, it is such a waste of money.
It's not like jewelry or clothes or makeup.
It's not even something cool for the house.
I had to spend $600 for something that is just going to be worn out in a couple years.
It just kills me!
Here's a picture of them...
are you as excited as I am about them?
No, I didn't think so.

While I was getting new tires put on my car, we walked over to Home Depot
and got a few things that we were needing for around the house.
The trip to Home Depot was followed by a quick trip to Kmart.
(Is it me, or is their merchandise getting worse and worse?)

After our little shopping excursion we headed over to see Uncle Lynn.
He just had a hip replacement and happened to be convalescing where 
we happened to be.
He looked fabulous and was in great spirits!
It was about 3 PM by the time we ended our visit and decided to head back home.

That didn't last long because Lexx and I ended up running some errands up 
at my parent's house.  By the time all was said and done, we actually got home 
around 5 PM.

I tell you what, I need to go back to work so that I can get some rest.

So did you have a busy weekend?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today Is Friday

Happy, happy, happy Friday!
Not much is planned for the weekend, just spending a small fortune on new tires.
I'm also going to start my photo challenge.
I haven't decided if I'm going to post the pictures daily or a group of them at one time.
I have to wait and see what my mood is like.

Have a great weekend, and stay out of trouble...
do you hear me?