Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Technical Difficulties - AGAIN!

Sorry about the no post yesterday, 
but my Internet wouldn't cooperate and I couldn't log on.
I would never leave you guys hanging 
like that without a good reason.

Anyways...the fam and I got some more soccer fix,
and cleared some time on Saturday to watch my little 
nephew's soccer game.

It was a hoot!
Take a look for yourself.

Go get it!

Ouch, that kinda hurt.

Oh, hi guys.
(You'll notice his coach is coaching in the background,
so yes he was fraternizing with the crowd during the game).

On the move.

The nephew did a little cheer for us all to see.
Isn't that too cute!

Gosh I miss soccer.
Anyone have a kid that plays soccer that Todd and I can adopt their team?


Amy said...

What a ham that kid is!! :) Great pics! Looking to put together a team slideshow this week. Can I add some of your shots to it?? :)

Brenda said...

Go for it Amy. I have some more pics. if you want them. Just let me know.