Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mammoth Lakes - Part Dos

We woke up bright and early, like 9:00 AM, on Sunday
(What - 9 AM is early on a weekend!).
We received free breakfast vouchers when we purchased our package,
so we intended to take full advantage of that situation.
Now that it was daylight, we were able to check out the resort.

The lodge
The view out of our bedroom window.
It was pretty cool that you could see one of the ski slopes,
too bad there wasn't any snow to ski on.
Also, notice there aren't ANY cars.

If you walked out of our room and looked
ahead through the window, you could see the pool
 - the spa is enclosed -
and you can see part of the building that houses it.
After I took a few pictures, we actually made it to breakfast.
It was buffet style, so we loaded up on the food as you can see.
It was awesome because there was only
one other couple in the dining room.
In fact, we only saw about three other couples the entire weekend
(minus the corporate group that was
in the bar area on Saturday night).
Pretty self explanatory.

See, I'm not lying...nobody was there.
After breakfast, we decided to head out and do a little exploring.
We wanted to keep it low key because it was supposed to be relaxing.
We both knew that if we planned too much,
we would totally stress out trying to follow our own itinerary.
Our first stop -
Coffee to be exact.
I had to get my mocha, so we stopped by a
 little organic coffee shop in Lee Vining.

You can tell I'm happy I got my coffee-
Todd's even happier that I got my coffee!
After I quick little side trek, we decided to go to the
Mono Lake Visitor's Center.
If you have the opportunity, I recommend you stop by.
They have some pretty cool displays
that are interactive and informative.

I snapped a picture from the visitor's center.
After we finished in the v.c., we decided to hike to the lake.
It wasn't a long hike,
it was like 300 feet.
Now that's my type of hike.
The first thing that I saw was this bird running along
 the shoreline with his mouth open scooping up the bugs.
He cracked me up.
I must have 20 pictures of the little guy doing this.

It may look like pebbles along the beach, but that is actually
alkali fly larvae and flies themselves.
Apparently there is a band of this stuff that
wraps around the entire lake.
Mono Lake is a saline soda lake that is known for its tufas.
It has no outlet to the ocean and this causes
high levels of salt to accumulate in the lake.

Here is a picture of some of the tufas.
The lake was really low as you can probably tell by the picture.
When we were done exploring Mono, we decided to take the
 scenic route back to Mammoth through
 Gull, Silver and June Lake.
I didn't get many pictures because I was
 preoccupied looking at all the beautiful scenery.

This is probably the best picture I got...not great.
It is sooooo much prettierr than this.

Todd bought me this adorable bracelet at June Lake,
which I promptly lost at work two days later.
Sad face
Todd and I decided to wrap up our excursion and
head back to the resort pretty early.
We were getting tired and wanted to get a nap in before dinner.
I know, it sounds like we are a couple of old people,
but dudes, Mammoth is at about 7,900 ft elevation.
It totally tires you out - fast.
After we got our naps in, we went to dinner at the lodge.
Again, there was one other couple.
We both got salads and sodas and called it a night.
Who are those two young whippersnappers?
We almost called it a night after dinner...
I had to soak in the spa for a little while.
It was heavenly,
and again...
nobody there.

Check out this bathing beauty -
Hardee har har
After a wonderful day - we headed off to bed
and tried to prepare ourselves for the trip home.
Why did we have to prepare ourselves you ask?
Because we didn't want to leave.
Stay tuned for the conclusion of our
little minication.

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